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TOC – Transport Operators Competence | TTS Työtehoseura |
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Civil Law
1.1 Transport contracts – Legal Basis
1.2 CMR International transport convention
Commercial law
2.1 The Commercial Entrepreneur
2.2 Formal obligations of the employer
2.3 The individual entrepreneur
2.4 The commercial company
2.5 The company S.A.
2.6 The limited liability company (S.L.)
2.7 Cooperative society
2.8 The declaration of competition
Social law
3.1 Workers’ representation
3.2 Employers’ social security obligations
3.3 Employment contracts, the collective agreement
3.4 The tachograph
3.5 The initial qualification and continuous training of drivers
Fiscal law
4.1 VAT on transport
4.2 Personal income tax
4.3 Corporate tax
4.4 Basic fiscal notions, other taxes
Business and financial management of the undertaking
5.1 The costs of the company, securities guarantee contracts
5.2 Leasing, renting, factoring
5.3 Basic accounting, the balance sheet, Profit and loss accounts, Analysis using ratios
5.4 Business planning, budgeting
5.5 The department marketing and organisation
5.6 The insurance contract; liability insurance, domestic transport insurance
5.7 Invoicing in freight transport
5.8 transport operators, auxiliary activities
Access to the market
6.1 Occupational regulations
6.2 National and international transport services – documents
Technical standards and technical aspects of operation
7.1 Weights and dimensions
7.2 Classes of vehicles
7.3 Approval and registration
7.4 Environmental aspects
7.5 Vehicle maintenance
7.6 Physical protection of goods
7.7 Intermodal transport
7.8 Transport of dangerous goods – ADR
7.9 Transport of perishables – ATP
7.10 Transport of live animals
Road safety and Contingency Planning
8.1 The driving licence
8.2 Road traffic regulations
8.3 Defensive driving
8.4 First aid
Environmental aspects
9.1. Transportation planning and optimization
9.2. Vehicle acquisition and emissions
9.3. Fuel selection and consumption
Digital Technologies
10.1 Digital applications in vehicle fleet and business processes
10.2 Digitization in transport mode as a management task
10.3 Change management as a basis for digitization in the transport business
Partners and contacts
Civil Law
1.1 Transport contracts – Legal Basis
1.2 CMR International transport convention
Commercial law
2.1 The Commercial Entrepreneur
2.2 Formal obligations of the employer
2.3 The individual entrepreneur
2.4 The commercial company
2.5 The company S.A.
2.6 The limited liability company (S.L.)
2.7 Cooperative society
2.8 The declaration of competition
Social law
3.1 Workers’ representation
3.2 Employers’ social security obligations
3.3 Employment contracts, the collective agreement
3.4 The tachograph
3.5 The initial qualification and continuous training of drivers
Fiscal law
4.1 VAT on transport
4.2 Personal income tax
4.3 Corporate tax
4.4 Basic fiscal notions, other taxes
Business and financial management of the undertaking
5.1 The costs of the company, securities guarantee contracts
5.2 Leasing, renting, factoring
5.3 Basic accounting, the balance sheet, Profit and loss accounts, Analysis using ratios
5.4 Business planning, budgeting
5.5 The department marketing and organisation
5.6 The insurance contract; liability insurance, domestic transport insurance
5.7 Invoicing in freight transport
5.8 transport operators, auxiliary activities
Access to the market
6.1 Occupational regulations
6.2 National and international transport services – documents
Technical standards and technical aspects of operation
7.1 Weights and dimensions
7.2 Classes of vehicles
7.3 Approval and registration
7.4 Environmental aspects
7.5 Vehicle maintenance
7.6 Physical protection of goods
7.7 Intermodal transport
7.8 Transport of dangerous goods – ADR
7.9 Transport of perishables – ATP
7.10 Transport of live animals
Road safety and Contingency Planning
8.1 The driving licence
8.2 Road traffic regulations
8.3 Defensive driving
8.4 First aid
Environmental aspects
9.1. Transportation planning and optimization
9.2. Vehicle acquisition and emissions
9.3. Fuel selection and consumption
Digital Technologies
10.1 Digital applications in vehicle fleet and business processes
10.2 Digitization in transport mode as a management task
10.3 Change management as a basis for digitization in the transport business
Partners and contacts
4.3 Corporate tax
4.2 Personal income tax
4.4 Basic fiscal notions, other taxes
Civil law
1.1 Transport contracts – Legal Basis
1.2 CMR International transport convention
Commercial law
2.1 The Commercial Entrepreneur
2.2 Formal obligations of the employer
2.3 The individual entrepreneur
2.4 The commercial company
2.5 The company S.A.
2.6 The limited liability company (S.L.)
2.7 Cooperative society
2.8 The declaration of competition
Social law
3.1 Workers’ representation
3.2 Employers’ social security obligations
3.3 Employment contracts, the collective agreement
3.4 The tachograph
3.5 The initial qualification and continuous training of drivers
Fiscal law
4.1 VAT on transport
4.2 Personal income tax
4.3 Corporate tax
4.4 Basic fiscal notions, other taxes
Business and financial management of the undertaking
5.1 The costs of the company, securities guarantee contracts
5.2 Leasing, renting, factoring
5.3 Basic accounting, the balance sheet, Profit and loss accounts, Analysis using ratios
5.4 Business planning, budgeting
5.5 The department marketing and organisation
5.6 The insurance contract; liability insurance, domestic transport insurance
5.7 Invoicing in freight transport
5.8 transport operators, auxiliary activities
Access to the market
6.1 Occupational regulations
6.2 National and international transport services – documents
Technical standards and technical aspects of operation
7.1 Weights and dimensions
7.2 Classes of vehicles
7.3 Approval and registration
7.4 Environmental aspects
7.5 Vehicle maintenance
7.6 Physical protection of goods
7.7 Intermodal transport
7.8 Transport of dangerous goods – ADR
7.9 Transport of perishables – ATP
7.10 Transport of live animals
Road safety and Contingency Planning
8.1 The driving licence
8.2 Road traffic regulations
8.3 Defensive driving
8.4 First aid
Environmental aspects
9.1. Transportation planning and optimization
9.2. Vehicle acquisition and emissions
9.3. Fuel selection and consumption
Digital technologies
10.1 Digital applications in vehicle fleet and business processes
10.2 Digitization in transport mode as a management task
10.3 Change management as a basis for digitization in the transport business
4.1 VAT on transport
4.2 Personal income tax
4.3 Corporate tax
4.4 Basic fiscal notions, other taxes