Project leaflet
Project leaflet has been published. You can find it here -> TOC broc 8 pages 07-22
Newsletter nr. 4 is now available
Find the newest newsletter here Newsletter 4 en
IO2 Ready
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. TOC – European Transport Operators Unified Competences All partners have completed the second phase of activities and have finalised the intellectual output n. 2 of the project, defining TOC – European Transport Operators Unified Competences. The partners have worked on two main areas of the project in order to […]
Third newsletter
Third newsletter has published TOC Newsletter nr3 eng _final
2nd Newsletter
Second newsletter has now been published! You can read the newsletter from here TOC Newsletter nr2 eng _final
The group of partners completed the first phase of work
The group of partners completed the first phase of work: they have been working on legislation and comparison of national practices in the transport sector. Furthermore, they analysed the current state of transport companies competences, highlighting the need for new competences to be developed for transport operators. As a result the partners have created a […]